Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tara arde si baba se... hlizeste

Imi place caracterul international al glumelor care circula in ultima vreme pe seama crizei financiare. In termeni bombastici se poate vorbi despre globalizarea umorului :D. Anyway, iata cele mai bune 3 glume pe seama crizei pe care le-am auzit pana acum:

"If the global crisis continues, by the end of the year only two Banks will be operational, the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank. Logical follow up, then these 2 banks will merge, and the one and only will be called "The Bloody Fucking Bank"."

"Due to the financial crisis facing the world at the moment, the light at the end of the tunnel will be switched off to save on electricity costs, until further notice.
Sincerely yours,

"The current financial crisis is getting so deep, that women are starting to marry for love."

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